06 November 2009

new facade and finish work

The townhouse has finally received it's new color of stucco! Half of the house is still covered up but the color is really amazing. It actually looks a little lighter than it really is in this photo.

The detail work is still intact and very clear and sharp. This is a view of one of the parlor floor windows.

The parlor floor itself continues to progress and look amazing.

The wood floor in the library is also all in. You can also see there's some laundry millwork in the library waiting to be installed!

There are also bathroom vanities on site as well which will be installed soon too.

We have also chosen our trim and ceiling colors for the entire house: winter white and decorators white.

Although this photo may look like it's of a "no smoking" sign there is, in fact, an installed elevator cab behind that sign. It's currently stopped between floors so that no one can mess with it. It should be fully functioning by next week. You can see the huge rails that it travels on in the second photo.

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